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Writing Assessments


How does the biophilic design contribute to the concept of the future schools?

The definition of a school as a future educational institution is framed by multitude of contributing factors. The criteria are continually developing through observations of what solutions work for certain circumstances and times, and what aspects of created systems fail (Walden, 2009).  According to Peter Struck (Struck, 1992, p.150, in Walden, 2009) schools are no longer singular institutions lecturing students at certain age, but rather hubs that offer extended activities. They merge educational and sport centres with support and therapy counselling facilities. They are adjusted to the needs of different participants of a community, such as toddlers, adolescences, families or the elderly in order to bring them together and show how they could benefit each other(Walden, 2009).

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Architecture of Time

Perception of time is a truly abstract concept, but by exploring the relations between the newest research of neurology, and the study of cognitive psychology, we can learn how to offset its rules by improving the urban architecture. By doing so we would also greatly improve and upgrade the commuting system within urban areas.

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Other Room

The phenomenon of culturally significant interiors, exhibited in museums, is one of the most interesting and engaging ways of providing visitors with an authentic experience. But is it possible to exactly mimic the original one?

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How to design a Community

“The ecological community forms the ethical community”.

Being a designer of 21st century, brings great responsibilities to our lives, especially if we claim to be aware of consequences of the decisions that we make. Conscious design is necessary in order to save the world as we know it, or at least minimalize disastrous effects of human actions. I do believe that every person should be introduced to the issues, the planet is facing just now, to increase all doings that try to solve them.

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